Sunday, August 12, 2012


I was greatly inspired yesterday, as I watched my sister Diane teach her 10-year-old granddaughter to knit.  They went to Michael's Craft Store and Smiley's Yarnshop, and stocked up on yarn and knitting needles.

Diane is working on a sweater, while Joliz is starting with a vest.  They have done quiet a lot in the past two days.  Of course, Joliz was upset -- tearfully so -- when her granmother unravelled most of her work because she dropped a couple of stiches eight rows back.  Ouch. But Joliz is back on track and hoping to finish her vest without any more mistakes.

They've inspired me to get out my knitting needles and make a scarf of my own.  And I also saw a pattern for a cute pair of gloves with fur bands.  That will most definitely be project number two.

So what other kinds of projects can we do to inspire our children, grandchildren and, in my case, nieces and nephews?

Project #1-- Flower Power
Play photographer with your kids.  Armed with cameras -- or cell phones -- you can take pictures of flowers, find their names and paste them in an photo album on flicker.

Project #2 -- Dog Run
Walk around your neighborhood and count the number of dogs you see.  Try to guess their breeds and their names.  Guessing is half the fun.

Project #3 -- Crazy Collage
I haven't done one of these since college.  I did one as a birthday present, and my friend still talks about it, though he threw it away after graduation. You start by cutting out pictures of faces, places, items you like and sayings that are funny.  They you put them all together on a sheet of cardboard, in all kinds of ways, overlapping, upside down, etc.  Or you can use pictures that you've taken throughout the summer.  Print out paper copies. Cut out the fun parts and put them all together with sayings or phrases you like.

What other fun projects can you think to inspire yourself, your kids, your friends?  Share them with us here. ---mcf


  1. As a kid my grandmother taught me how to sew so when I read about Granmother unraveling her work to correct her mistake a flood of memories came back, thank you. Very nice post!

  2. You know, my grandma also inspired me to try creative activities. I can remember her making quilts - maybe that's why I love quilting! I love your first idea about flowers. One I will try on my travels.

  3. Our grandmother's wisdom is always priceless, isn't it? My Nana Cano always tried to get me to sew when I was growing up but I blew it off thinking it wasn't cool. But then when she passed, I was just starting with my crafty career and felt so heartbroken that I denied her gift. I ended up teaching myself to sew in her honor and I swear, every time I sit att hat machine I think of her!
    Your sister's lessons to her granddaughter will stick with her all through life. Crafting with loved ones is such a great bonding experience!! Thank you for sharing all this!
